WINTER SALE flat 50% & flat 25% off
MTJ give flat 20% 35% off on selected items. Do not miss this golden chance and visit now!
MTJ Azadi sale is started. MTJ is offering flat 25% off on their stock. Hurry up and don't miss the chance to avail this opportunity. Go and shop now.
MTJ Eid festive sales that is started from 24th June upto 30% off. Available in stores and online also. SHIPPING WORLDWIDE, FREE SHIPPING ON LOCAL (PAKISTAN) ORDERS ABOVE PKR 1500.
Initiated in the year 2020, MTJ represented as Maulana Tariq Jameel is an apparel brand for men and women. They introduce themselves as a ‘fashion retail brand that strives to learn and exhibit the principles taught by Maulana and break the eroding stereotypes’. MTJ headquarter is in Karachi. The sole purpose of the investment in this brand is to sustain Medrassah’s Today and Tomorrow. Publically, Maulana Tariq Jameel is a Pakistani Islamic Scholar and Television Preacher, religious writer and a member of Islamic Tableghi Jamaat. In the year 2000, Maulana Tariq Jameel in Islamabad Laid the foundation of Medrasstul Husnain which basically gives the education in Arabic. After its success, the Madrassah was divided into 10 branches. The Madrassah has not then proper administration to get charity from people. Basically, they were being run by his friends and businessman with the help of Zakat Money and it was like people gave as they like. When the Pandemic started in the year 2020, most of the businesses and his friends were bankrupt and there was no proper system for Medrassah’s to sustain. He said that I used to pray to God to help me to come up with an idea to be able to give life to them. So in that year he came up with this idea of launching an apparel brand and he and some of his friends collaborated on this and set its name behind his name as MTJ and through that money, we can sustain these Islamic institutions as of now. He also added that these institutions will now be able to survive on their own without any Zakat money and praying that they will keep on sustaining even after he left this world. Also, he clarified his image that the sole purpose of this brand is to run those schools with better facilities, and he himself in this age not interested in making money through business. He never was even having a Landlord background he chose to be a Maulana instead of Dunia as he described in an interview that in his life he never made money for his own, he said that God has blessed him with everything. He said he do not know whether it's passing on from but in Subcontinent Ulema are being criticized when doing a business though everyone has the right to earn. Instead, a Maulvi in this era is being considered as a beggar, someone who begs in front of People. He also stated that this brand is not in competition or copy of any other brand. The purpose is altogether different. In our opinion everyone can be self bread earner so why not a Maulana? Here, Infact he is not even earning for himself but just for the sake of those institutions where Islamic Education is being taught. The scholar also cited the example of Abu Hanif who was a merchant and a great trader in his times that we all are capable of something. With this Vision in his mind, he launched MTJ, also focusing on reviving the culture of Pakistan in his clothing. The material of the fabric used is genuine and of good quality for the product will be worth its price. He preaches kindness and love in his teachings similar to that every fabric is intricate with love and affection. The brand has not launched its stores yet the hype is already there. Its headquarter is in Karachi, but the brand is all set to come to the big cities of Pakistan. Maulana’s son is now in the operations of this brand and many people are quite hopeful as well as looking forward to the opening of their stores. The website is also under process and they are quite positive for bringing the brand into the market connecting with the tradition. They are upbringing the value that will reflect the strength of character and our tradition in their attires. This retail brand promises the elegance and nobility that our culture strives for in every stitch and style designed.