Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with US

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with US

How long it will take to deliver my order?

Discountspk does not deliver any orders, the brands and websites available here will be responsible for any delivery, and for further assistance, you will visit their shipping page of specific brands.

 Can you deliver orders?

No, we do not deliver any orders. Discountspk is just promoting and publicize sales and discounts of different brands.

 How can I order any product from discountspk?

You do not order any product from discountspk. You just have to visit the specific brands’ website on discountspk, select your specific product and add that product to the cart then fill your form with payments.

 Can I get discounts on all products at any time?

No, you just have to take discounts only those products, who put discount offers on their specific products in particular time duration and discountspk will inform you about all sales and discounts.

 Can you give an exchange or return policy?

Yes, the brands available at discountpk website, provide return and exchange policies and exchange the products after 3 days of delivery.

 How much time do you take to deliver the order?

Several brands available at Discountspk will deliver the order within 3 to 5 working days.

 How can I send you the payment?

You can visit the brand’s official website and can send your payments to their official accounts. 

Can you offer free delivery services for all orders?

Discountspk does not provide any shipping services, the brand available here provides free Shipping services only for high rates orders.

 How can I cancel my order?

You can visit the brand’s specific official website and go to a specific billing page and push the button to cancel the order. It will cancel within 24 hours.

Are you available at weekends?

Discountspk services are available for 6 working days of the Week.